Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Last Day of School

School ended on Friday.


My tiny school in Harlem is one of my favorite places in New York City, which says a lot about the place where I spend most of my days. Honestly, how many people can say that they LOVE where they work? Not. Too. Many. I love the kids, the teachers, and the staff… I could go on and on and make everyone jealous, but that wouldn’t be nice.

The last day of school is my favorite day of the year. It consists pretty much of pizza parties, hugs, and chaos – three things I dearly love. I particularly love the cards and drawings from the kids. They are so cute and sweet and original.

This year, I got a great letter from one of my best students (she will now be in second grade) who also happens to be the cutest little girl IN THE WORLD. It deserves to be spotlighted. Spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure are unchanged.

June /22/2009

Drea Miss. Muliszbit

You tech poeplo at school and you tech poeplo to lef up ore tung so they can lins too you tech them the th and the ch to you play games with us to when we do wrting wrok shop you tech us how to play bingo too.”

Translation: I teach people how to listen, AND lift their tongues to make the /th/ and /ch/ sounds, AND how to do ‘writing workshop’ while playing Bingo.

Could my kids get any cuter? Not possible. And, this proves it.


Anonymous said...

unforuntately i was able to read the letter without the translation. my students write the same. in fact my niece insists on spelling Aubrey as Orey. hey at least there is a capital letter. enjoy your summer break. you are probably going to be hanging out in the hamptons.

Anonymous said...

Weird, I didn't know speech impediments could manifest themselves in writing as well. Just kidding. I must say it is very cute.