Thursday, August 27, 2009
Fancy Feet
Monday, August 24, 2009
Central Park Extravaganza
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Fleeting Moment
Sunday, August 16, 2009
New Digs
Our. New. Place. Rules!
We are finally settled in and enjoying the perks moving up the housing ladder. Our new place is a MAJOR upgrade from the last apartment; even one of the movers said that last week as he carried in the first box. His comment made me so proud and I beamed brighter than the New York City skyline at nighttime (corny line, I know, but so true).
Perks of the new place include:
5th floor - The fifth floor puts us five floors up from the trash room, definitely an added bonus. We have good views of the street and sky, two things not seen from the windows in our last place. And, it seems, the higher we go the more entertainment we have. We can easily see into about 100 people's windows, and I already have seen two people naked! I put a telescope at the top of my wish list.
Lots of sunlight - This is the best part since we didn't get ANY sunlight in the last apartment. It no longer feels like a perpetual blizzard since our new view includes the sky and street. In fact, we don't turn the lights on until the sun goes down.
BIGGER space - My sanity stays intact longer in a bigger space. Enough said.
Location, location, location - Our building is next to the subway, crosstown bus, grocery store, and bank. Anything we need is literally within 2 blocks.
Cleanliness - The new place is way cleaner than the last apartment (i.e. NO COCKROACH sightings... yet). I know that every building in New York has cockroaches, but if I never see one then I can believe that our building is totally bug-free. And, that makes me very happy.
Rent - We also got, what we consider in New York City, a great deal for a true one bedroom.
I can’t believe our new apartment. We still have mini appliances and the building is older, but it's a great New York apartment. Life is definitely good.
Friday, August 14, 2009
More Coming Soon
Friday, August 7, 2009
Ben and I collected boxes this week from grocery stores, bodegas, Duane Reades, and the street to save money and pack for our big move on Saturday. On Tuesday morning, while Ben was at work, I hit the jackpot at Gristedes grocery store on 96th street thanks to Darrell, the manager. He hooked me up big time and saved me from a lot of extra work and walking.
Darrell gave me 6 boxes at 9:30am that I stacked and carried home BY MYSELF to 93rd street. Apparently, that was a big deal in New York City. People acted impressed to see a small blonde carrying a five-foot tall tower of corrugated cardboard down a New York City sidewalk.
Taxicabs and doormen whistled and catcalled as the boxes teetered precariously above my above head. Two moving trucks on 91st street with small armies of men cheered me on as I scooted by. One guy even yelled, “You for hire?”
Needless to say, Ben was very proud to come home from work and see an apartment full of packed boxes. He’s always pretty impressed with my toughness. My brute strength definitely keeps him in line and lets him know who’s boss of our current, but soon to be old, apartment.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Happy Anniversary

Monday, August 3, 2009
Perspectives: Part VI
I wore a sleeveless shirt to work the other day. As I worked with an elementary age boy I noticed that he would poke the underneath side of my arm and then watch it swing back and forth. Poke. Swing. Poke. Swing.
“Are you poking my arm? Playing with my loose muscle?” I asked, stressing the words loose muscle. That’s what it technically was at one point. It was sheer brilliance for about two seconds.
Ever so nonchalantly, he slowly cocked his head to the side and said with quite assuredly, “That’s flab.”
Depends from what angle you’re sitting, I guess.