Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bedbug Update

We still do NOT have bedbugs and we keep our fingers crossed that it stays that way. I wrote a post about bedbugs last week and, ironically, Monday's cover story in am NEW YORK was "The Bug Apple". The news article reported an increase of bedbugs in the city. Coincidence? I think not.

The paper mentioned that bedbug infestations in the city are on the rise, and that bedbugs can spread to businesses, theaters, hospitals, offices, schools, buses, and subways. Eeeeeeewww! As soon as I read that I gave my seat-mate on the subway a sidelong glance and indiscreetly scooted further down the row of seats. Can't be too careful nowadays.

The article also mentioned that bedbugs are active at night given that they are nocturnal creatures. They feed on humans and animals. Sick. These bedbugs give a whole new meaning to the phrase "the city that never sleeps."

To leave you with one more interesting fact, just a little something to whet your appetite for a future trip to the Big Apple... bedbugs can survive up to 18 months without food and can be found anywhere in the home - cracks in the wall, couches, books, clothing, and even electrical outlets. I venture to guess that the home invaders would LOVE to try somewhere new and use your suitcase to get there. Welcome to New York!

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