Monday, August 18, 2008

New 'Tude

I’ve now got the ‘tude. The attitude that helps keeps me afloat in the big city. For awhile, I avoided the ‘tude, kept it at bay. But, after time, the ‘tude crept under my skin and in my blood. Now, it owns me.

I walk around the city like I own it, with a straight and unblinking poker face. I walk like a badass. If not, people will chew me up and spit me out. Literally, they will walk all over me… and then take my wallet while I dust myself off.

At first, I felt bad about my new ‘tude. But, now I like it. Where ever I go, I don’t look scared and confused. I look like I own the place. I don’t walk around any neighborhood, with an anxious look on my face. Instead, I stare straight ahead. Sometimes I nod my head at a passing pedestrian and my lips may curve into a little smile. But, only when necessary.

New Yorkers don’t walk around and wave and smile at every person. They’re tough, forward, and pretty badass. Much like my new self.

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