Monday, February 20, 2012

Italy: Family Style

My favorite night in Italy happened in Cortona.  Sebastian and Megan invited us to a Ghezzi family get-together at Sebastian's parents' home about 20 minutes outside of the city, a legit Italian dinner.

Upon arrival, communication seemed daunting.  Sebastian's family only spoke Italian and Ben and I only spoke English.  But, interestingly, after several courses of home cooked food and endless bottles of wine, we understood each other perfectly fine.  Hugs, handshakes, and laughter abounded. Amazing, how fermented grapes can do that.

We ate dinner outside their several hundred year old home, surrounded by olive trees and vineyards.  Sebastian's uncle brought homemade prosciutto and olive oil, which I added to every bite because of its deliciousness and its ability to prevent wrinkles (a rumor I once read somewhere). Sebastian's mom carried out endless courses of food - pastas, salads, meats, and breads.

I foresaw an expanding belly and purposefully wore a dress with an elastic waistline to dinner. I did not want to limit my gluttony when surrounded by a plethora of good food. Priorities.

Below is a picture of the Ghezzi family and myself sans Ben (he was behind the lens).

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