Thursday, November 22, 2012

How It Began

Ben said that the moment we learned that we would be moving from New York, everything would happen quickly. He was right. Like (almost) always.

On the last Friday in June, Ben learned that his company would allow him to work from Kentucky. On Saturday, the news sort-of sank in and we sat around the apartment in shock. On Sunday, we sort-of recovered from shock and told our families. On Monday, the second to last day of school, I told the administration of my departure. On Tuesday, we told friends.

In only 96 hours, we announced the biggest decision of our married lives to the world. 

We planned to and did move on July 31st. We had one month. One month to pack our apartment, sell our furniture, say goodbye to friends, visit last minute places, and drive 645.5 miles to Kentucky in a rented U-Haul. 

We did not dilly dally. 

We, as they like to say in Kentucky, "got-r-done."

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