Friday, May 22, 2009


Have you ever noticed the “ads by Google” on the bottom right side of the blog? Well, me either. Not until this February when my very observant grandpa and Itty Bitty fan brought it up over breakfast.

Some of the ads are… interesting? Perhaps. Relevant? No.

DJ equipment repair shop? Immigration attorneys? NYC chiropractic? I doubt readers of Itty Bitty will click on those ads anytime in the near future.

What is Google thinking? Let me tell you.

Google software scans through posts and selects high frequency words found on the page. Google then selects advertisements that are tagged with the same words. Hence, the ads for “Sweet Caroline” and “X-Dancers” in reference to my Neil Diamond and pole dancing experiences make sense. Even the ad about protein shakes makes sense considering the number of stories written about Ben’s workout routine.

The ads can be pretty funny and entertaining. So, check them out if you think about it. Have a chuckle on me.

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