Tuesday, April 9, 2013


You read that title right... Ben and I are homeowners! We bought our dream house. Everything worked out perfectly.

We moved into our new abode last Saturday with help from our parents, my brother, and two of my brother's friends. Nothing beats younger bodies with lots of muscles. We couldn't have done it without them.

We loaded six vehicles and caravanned to our new town, our new house. We cruised down the interstate to our new life with unmatched enthusiasm. I only prayed that we didn't lose any boxes on the way... they looked pretty secure tied to the back of the truck.

The last five and half years of living in tiny apartments have culminated into a lifetime of living in a spacious house. Our new place is 11x the size of our biggest New York apartment. Eleven times! Don't believe what anyone says... size really does matter!

Itty Bitty has moved up in the world!

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