Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Pros & Cons

Pro: Fruit stand vendors steps outside my place of work and on every city block.
Con: From where exactly does this fruit come?

Pro: No need to be tan in the North. No one is tan.
Con: Pasty and pale all year round.

Pro: Never wear high heels; therefore, feet never hurt.
Con: Lost four inches of height and have a box of unworn stilettos stuffed under the bed.

Pro: Get daily exercise by walking everywhere since we don’t own a car.
Con: Pass bakeries and sweet shops every two blocks.
* Pro and con cancel each other out.

Pro: Get/read/love New York magazine. Makes me feel like a more authentic New Yorker.
Con: Makes me realize how much more I have to do!

Pro: Small apartments mean less accumulation of junk.
Con: Size really does matter.

Pro: Live in the fashion capitol of the world.
Con: Shopaholic unleashed.

Pro: Live in the city with everything in the world to do.
Con: Costs mucho dinero to do it all.

Pro: Take cabs everywhere.
Con: Costs $$$ and causes motion sickness.

Pro: Never have to drive.
Con: Crowded and germy subway poles and bus seats.

Pro: Don’t worry about appearance because run-ins with friends or acquaintances are rare in a city of 15 million.
Con: Don’t worry about appearance and then actually run into friends or acquaintances.

1 comment:

carolyn said...

I love your pros and cons of NYC. Of course, folks who live everywhere could/should do this to add a bit of perspective to their lives.