Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Project Runway

We don’t own a full length mirror, so I depend on Ben to tell me which shoes look better, which purse completes my outfit. I look to him for advice when undecided between two outfits. I rely on his ability to recognize a fashion faux pas.

I thought that I had done a better job.

As we perused the weekend sales at Macys on Saturday, I noticed a trend with the clothes Ben picked out for me. The common thread being that they were all atrocious.

Shirts covered in glitter and sequins. Shorts with a half inch inseam and dresses only to be worn when working the corner. Where did I go wrong?

Apparently, my goal to create a mini (heterosexual) Michael Kors was a wee bit high. Classy and clean just can’t compete with short and flashy. Sigh.


Phil in Florida said...

I don't know, myself, but shorts with a one-inch inseam sound pretty

Anonymous said...

so, we found a new blog for you to check out... www.prettyinpinkmegan.blogspot.com

let us know what you think :)

Anonymous said...

omigoodness. Have you been watching this season of Project Runway?

"slutty, slutty, slutty"~Michael Kors
That may be my new favorite saying.