Friday, February 22, 2008

I Have A Job! I Think...

I have a job! Wait, wait… don’t adjust your computer screen. This is the right blog. You did read the first sentence correctly. Put down the nitroglycerin, Dad. I am going to use my degrees and contribute financially to our marriage! Geez, even I have to reread it to believe it.

Any day now, I will "therapize" students at a middle and high school in New York City. Ben ordered my Michele Pfeiffer leather jacket while I danced with a contract in hand. My textbooks excitedly shook off collected dust from months of nonuse; my subway card squealed at the thought of being swiped. I'm going to ride the D train toward my future!

People ask me if I will miss not working, my free time. I’ll miss the choice to sleep later; definitely miss my coworkers at the private school where I substitute teach. But, I won’t miss hours of alone time, reruns on TV, daily walks around the city alone, job applications, tight finances, afternoons waiting for Ben, and limited opportunities to meet people.

I keep my fingers crossed, toes too. I pray that everything works out as planned, that I'll soon be employed. Actually, let me say that again… e-m-p-l-o-y-e-d.


Anonymous said...

Rock on, Liza! Good luck finalizing that paperwork! Lotsa love from Lexington -Dennis

Anonymous said...

you can only have a job if you promise not to neglect itty bitty...