As newlyweds, we not only save money, but try to make money. Recently, we discovered the monetary benefits of eBay. Two weeks ago Ben sold an old, broken computer and an Apple iSight. Last week Aunt Dorothy sent us the limited edition "Rug Market", a Fontanini collector's item, to sell on eBay. Interested? Too late. It sold for $50, not including an additional $17 for shipping and handling. I never knew a miniature Arabian rug shack would generate so much moolah.
eBay won our allegience the second our first item sold. How could it not? We made money selling junk to strangers in Gastonia, Winter Park, and Escondido. It has been difficult to resist the urge to sell everything and anything in our apartment. Ben's winter jacket? Worth a few bucks. Ben's golf clubs? I saw dollar signs. Unfortunately, he said that he would not be happy in the Spring to learn that someone else was playing nine holes with them halfway across the country. The AC unit above our apartment door? Jackpot. Many New Yorkers would pay good money for a cool breeze during the hot summer months. I doubt our landlord would notice a two by one foot hole in the wall...
Our apartment building has a recycle room (closet, really) where tenants leave/dump items they no longer want. I routinely comb through the closet in search of 1) anything that fits me, 2) discarded magazines like Elle, Glamor, InStyle, 3) gifts for people that still look new, and now 4) eBay items. Last week, footsteps approached as I crouched and rifled through the boxes. I quickly pretended to toss recycables in their proper receptibles. I played it off well. Heaven forbid people refer to me as that weird girl on the first floor who goes through people's trash.
Last week, I flew home for the holidays and stayed at my parents' house. I scouted potential eBay items from the moment I first walked in the door. They didn't mind. My dad probably won't even notice that anything is missing. Actually, I heard that somebody posted some really nice cocktail and prom dresses on eBay yesterday. I wonder if anybody has placed a bid... if not, it's not too late.